Who:  Jeanette Rankin

 What:  A schoolteacher/ women’s activist.

 When:  Born in Missoula, Montana, on 11th June, 1880. Died at Carmel, California, on 18th May, 1973.   During WW1 and WW2, Bombing of Pearl Harbor, Vietnam War

Where:  Washington D.C. (mostly)

Why Important:  Jeanette was a women’s rights activist in 1910-1970, and very anti-war. A member of the Republican party, in 1916 Rankin decided to run for Congress. Rankin, who campaigned for universal suffrage, prohibition, child welfare reform, an end to child labor and staying out of the first world war, became the first woman to be elected to the House of Representatives. One of her first actions was to introduce a bill that would have allowed women citizenship independent of their husbands. Rankin was very against the war in Germany, and her views on trade union rights, equal pay and birth-control, lost her the Republican Senate nomination in 1918. In 1940 Rankin was elected to the House of Representatives on an anti-war program, and she voted against the war with Japan. In 1968, at the age of 87, she led a women's demonstration against the war in Washington.

 Results/Effects:  She was an important voice for women who didn’t really have a voice at the time. She took initiative and instead of just standing around and working in factories or staying at home all of her life, she went out and tried to make a difference for women.

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